Tag Archives: Toto

Toilets – Toto and Techie

Before I address Hiroshima, let’s return to toilets. My granddaughter’s camera crapped out in Hiroshima, so I promised to buy her a new one. We sauntered over to Big Camera (like Best Buy in the states), and she quickly found one to her liking. While waiting to pay, I noticed the techie toilet display on the wall next to the checkout. I know that many of you are not buying into this Japanese toilet thing, but take a look at this one wall.

After a quick Shinkansen ride to Kyoto, we checked into a marvelous boutique hotel – Mume. Once ensconced in the room, I walked into the bathroom to be greeted by a self-elevating toilet seat illuminated with an LCD landing light. Then I noticed the control panel on the wall next to the toilet. I will let you read the various settings, but consider the implications of “Posterior Cleansing.”