Tag Archives: building

Kansas Native Stone

Native Stone Scenic Byway, KS, by Ted Lee Eubanks
Native Stone Scenic Byway, KS, by Ted Lee Eubanks

When you hear the word “Kansas” what first comes to mind? Flat? Dorothy? What about stone, as in native stone?

Native stone is the essential Kansas. Once an inland ocean, the shallow soils of much of Kansas are underlain with limestone strata. Pioneers soon discovered that while lacking in trees (think lumber) Kansas did not lack building materials. These pioneers soon found ways of using stone in place of lumber, as in native stone fence posts, fences, jails, churches, buildings, and the like.

Stone is now out of fashion, but the native stone structures remain. Efforts are underway in parts of Kansas (such as the Native Stone Scenic Byway) to not only restore native stone structures but to resurrect its use as a building material.

I have collected a gallery of my favorite Kansas native stone images on Pinterest for display. Native stone is (or certainly should be) a cherished Kansas tradition, and an elemental part of the Kansas heritage. Enjoy.

[pin_board url="http://www.pinterest.com/fermatainc/kansas-native-stone/" size="custom" image_width="100" board_width="900" board_height="450"]