Category Archives: Fermata

Okinawa Time Travel

Dance performance, Shuri-jo

America imports oil from Saudi Arabia, cars from Japan, wine from France, shrimp from Viet Nam, coffee from Costa Rica, jalapeños from Mexico, and even toothpicks from China. We have perfected consumption, and the world feeds our insatiable appetite for stuff.

In return, America exports pop culture. No matter where you might wander, blithely expecting to be swallowed in a culture unlike your own, your first meal likely will be accompanied by the viral voices of Michael Jackson or Lady Gaga.

A couple of years ago I traveled with a group organized by Jerry Adelmann of Openlands to work in three World Heritage Sites in southern Yunnan. This is end-of-the-road China, hugging the border with Burma. Enjoying an evening in a pizza joint in the walled city of Dali, we were circled by young Chinese who could have effortlessly blended in New York, Paris, or Tokyo. Fast food, rap music, IPods, cell phones, and reality TV will be our legacy, I suppose.

You can no more escape American culture in Japan than you can in America. A few minutes ago we arrived in Nagasaki, and while walking through the train station we were met by American pop music blasting from every pore in this city. Consider the irony for a moment. We are in Nagasaki, for God’s sake, and our Japanese hosts effortlessly embrace an Americanized culture.

Please don’t mistake these observations for cheap America bashing. I have seen more of America than virtually anyone I know, and my love affair with our country is unquestioned. I am constantly reminded that we also gave the world pragmatic democracy, and that contribution will (hopefully) remain our bequest to future generations such as my granddaughter’s.

I am not referring to the jingoistic democracy that has been imposed through misguided nation-building (or unraveling) in recent years. I mean the democracy that grows organically through our examples of selflessness and good works (consider the Occupation here, for example, or the Marshall Plan in Europe).

Let me offer a case in point. No single issue has haunted America since its founding as has slavery. Slavery is the one irreconcilable impasse that the founders failed to resolve in Philadelphia, passing it on to future generations to address. America invested over 700,000 lives in a Civil War to finally make good on the promise of liberty for all, yet only in my lifetime in the Jim Crow South have our black citizens, our neighbors, been invested with the rights enjoyed by the rest of us from the beginning.

At this moment we are led by a president who is himself an African-American, married to a woman who is the direct descendent of African slaves. According to a recent article in the NY Times, “In 1850, the elderly master of a South Carolina estate took pen in hand and painstakingly divided up his possessions. Among the spinning wheels, scythes, tablecloths and cattle that he bequeathed to his far-flung heirs was a 6-year-old slave girl valued soon afterward at $475.”

“In his will, she is described simply as the “negro girl Melvinia.” After his death, she was torn away from the people and places she knew and shipped to Georgia. While she was still a teenager, a white man would father her first-born son under circumstances lost in the passage of time.”

“Melvinia Shields, the enslaved and illiterate young girl, and the unknown white man who impregnated her are the great-great-great-grandparents of Michelle Obama, the first lady.”

Let that sink in for a moment. Where else in the world would this be possible? Michelle Obama’s grandfather was a postman, and her father worked as a pump worker at the City of Chicago water plant. Barack O’Bama’s paternal grandfather was a Kenyan mission cook and herbalist, and served time in a British prison for being involved in the early African liberation movement (as well as where he was tortured). The president’s father served as a government economist in Kenya.

In contrast, George W. Bush’s grandfather, Prescott Sheldon Bush, served Connecticut in the U.S. Senate from 1952 until January 1963.  His father, George H.W. Bush, followed Ronald Reagan as the 41st president of the United States.

A black American president is as likely as a Jew being elected leader of Iran, or an Aboriginal as prime minister of Australia. Yet it did happen in America, and as a peaceful blessing of a stable democracy. I am writing, at this very moment, in Nagasaki, a city utterly obliterated in WW II as the result of a despotic government, led by an emperor thought to be divine, willing to sacrifice the blood of its citizens to the last drop.

Our country, in moments of greatness, finds a way to rise above its limitations, its prejudices, and its hatreds. Of course we have every right to criticize the policies and actions of our presidents. The first amendment to the constitution guarantees that right. In fact, let me remind you of the entire text of the First Amendment:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Those who would slander and personally attack our president or his wife because of their ethnicity or color damage our democracy, I believe. The “birthers” who have questioned his citizenship and those who have alluded to his Islamic heritage (which, even if a practicing Muslim, would be his constitutional right as protected by the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment), besmirch the promise of our democracy so needed by much of the world. Of course these people have to right to express themselves under the protections of this same First Amendment, just as I have the right to call them misguided, bigoted fools.

Dragon print, Shuri-jo, Okinawa

I am ahead of myself, though. On our third day in Okinawa we left the Marriott (talk about American culture) and wandered back south toward Naha in search of this island’s cultural soul. There are several World Heritage Sites on the island that have been restored to honor the Ryukyu past. We first visited Zakimi-jo, one of the citadels built during the Ryukyu era to defend the interests of a local lord. The remnants of the walled fortress offer an unobstructed view across the island, from the East China Sea east to the Pacific. Given Okinawa’s importance to trade between China, Korea, and Japan during the Ryukyu, these elevated vantage points were invariably sites of forts and fortresses such as Zakimi-jo. In the small museum there were several examples of ceramic funereal urns, an important tradition to the Ryukyu. After a period of years the Ryukyu would cleanse the bones of their loved ones, and place them in these urns.

We left 15th Century Ryukyu Japan to beam up to the 21st Century and the Kadena AFB. After the war the U.S. military established several bases on Okinawa, Kadena among them. These bases have been sources of tension here for decades, and the strain still influences politics throughout the country. Many here would like for the U.S. military to leave, or, at least, to consolidate the bases. There are others who are adamant that the U.S. should stay. Every time North Korea lobs another missile across Japan, or another U.S. sailor or soldier commits a crime while off base, the issue flares once again.

We stopped across from the base and climbed to the top of an observation tower to view the base. What fascinated me were the small farms and gardens that locals were cultivating at the base of the sound baffles that border the runway. As I said before, no land goes to waste in Japan. And what about Tommy Lee Jones on the vending machine in the lobby? The boss?

Mr. Iwana next led us to one of his favorite restaurants in the village of Kadena. This soba shop is the archetypal Japanese cubbyhole, with three tables and two additional in the tatami room. The owner/chef specializes in Japanese-style buckwheat noodles made daily. He is also a jazz buff, and one wall of the café houses his impressive collection of vinyl albums. There we slurped our noodles to the music of Coltrane and Monk.

As with so much of Japan, our final destination is significant at multiple levels. Shuri-jo is the finest example of Ryukyu on the island. This extensive castle is still in the process of being restored after being obliterated during WW II. The interpretation in Shiri-jo, sadly, failed to mention precisely why the complex had been destroyed during the Battle of Okinawa.

Underneath the castle, as much as 100 feet below ground, were extensive tunnels and caverns that housed the Japanese military commander, Ushijima, and at least 20,000 of his troops. The American military relentlessly bombarded the Shuri site, with little impact on the Japanese. These caverns today are closed to the public, although there are access points if one knows where to look (such as Mr. Iwama).

We also were treated to a dance performance within the castle grounds. According to my granddaughter, the dance consisted of elements of both traditional Japanese dance as well as that most likely attributable to the Ryukyu. Whatever the genre, I thoroughly enjoyed the slow-motion, expressionless dancers in their splendid costumes.

Next we fly to Fukuoka, and then catch the express train to Nagasaki. We will spend three nights at a famous ryokan, our first chance to relax for more than one night in the same hotel.


15 Mar 2010

Okinawa – The Dusk of War

Rememberence Room

We began the day in Naha with lattes, a pastry translated as “the bomb,” and a skip across the parking lot to a tiny religious site tucked in by the port. As part of the Ryūkyū kingdom until “assimilated” by Japan during the Meiji, there are celebrated remnants of Ryūkyū religion here. However, my uneducated eye can’t tell Ryūkyū from Buddhist from Shinto, although the differences between these Okinawan shrines and those on Honshu are noticeable. We came upon a group of older people placing offerings at the shrine, with the woman reading from a printed script. Apparently there is an attempt here to resurrect the Ryūkyū culture as we see in Hawaii with its native resurgence.

For our first jaunt of the day we drove south to the tip of the island and the Okinawa Prefectural Peace Memorial Museum. The park complex is constructed at the site where the Japanese military finally surrendered to the Americans at the end of the Battle of Okinawa.

That horrific bloodletting lasted 82 days, with a price of at least 200,000 lives (at least half of them Okinawan civilians). The park and museum quietly reinforce the idea that war is madness, and you cannot leave here without that notion made brutally clear. Particularly moving were the walls with the names of the dead, a reflection of (and inspired by) the Viet Nam war memorial in Washington D.C. The park also reminded me of the International Peace garden that straddles the U.S and Canadian border in the Turtle Mountains, with its manicured gardens and tall spire at the end of a mall.

One cannot visit Okinawa and escape the shadow of the war. My father, who is alive and well at 85, served on a DE on the way to Okinawa to prepare for the invasion of Japan. The war, in effect, came to an end here, and the Okinawans themselves paid most dearly for being precisely at the wrong place at the wrong time. The exhibits in the museum document their sufferings, culminating in a room with nothing but the written remembrances of Okinawans who survived the hell of that battle.

The history of war is most often written as a series of discrete events, memorializing battles between well-defined enemies and celebrated leaders. We honor the warriors, and deify their commanders. What is lost is such a narrative are the lives of the countless civilians who are victimized by war. Where are the people who simply wished the war would go away; common people who are displaced, suffer, and die in these conflagrations?  Okinawa, Tokyo, Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Dresden, Hamburg, Nanking, Manchuria, the World Trade Center, and Baghdad are among the countless killing fields of peoples who committed no crime, and who wished only for what our founders demanded as “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” Nowhere is that truth more evident than Okinawa.

After a quick bowl of soba (Okinawan style, with a thicker noodle), we began the trek to the northern end of the island. Once past the urban maze of the south (and Naha) we soon were enveloped by small farms and villages; the Okinawa I wanted to experience for myself. Fields of corn and sugar cane, bitter melon vines, the bristling tops of pineapples plants, and the curious bush-topped stalks of papayas painted the landscape.

Only in the hinterlands did we also begin to see native Okinawans, people whose Mongol heritage comes through in their shorter stature and darker skin. Many had features that reminded me of Koreans, and, during the Ryūkyū era, Okinawa, Korea, and China enjoyed extensive trade.  As I have seen throughout Japan, these farms are models of  manicured care. No square inch goes to waste, and their postage stamp farms are meticulously tended. How nice to spend an afternoon driving through rural Okinawa without seeing the detritus of everyday life (abandoned double wides, half-stripped automobiles, roadside McDonald hamburger wrappers) that characterizes much of the rural Texas countryside (particularly the coast).

Mr. Iwama, our dear friend and tour guide, wanted to show us the Kesaji mangrove forest in the village of Higashi. This small park had a nice boardwalk through the mangroves, and a bustling kayak rental business that filled the waters with shrieking young girls this Saturday afternoon.

For my birder friends, I did see a few familiar species, although this trip is not one where birding is taking the front seat. I have deprived my family too many times of my attention and presence during these types of trips as I sauntered off chasing birds, so I am trying to make up for lost time. I did see familiar birds such as Blue Rock Thrush, Yellow Wagtail, Chinese Bulbul, and Japanese Whiteeye. As we walked along a stream at Kesaji we were treated to a Common Kingfisher whizzing by in an iridescent azure blur.

After our mangrove hike we drove a short distance to the Marriott Okinawa resort, where we treated ourselves to a night of tourist pampering.  Mr. Iwama and I began the evening with a couple of glasses of the local rice drink – Ayamori. Served over ice, Ayamori is sake on steroids. While sake is brewed, Ayamori is distilled (think about the difference between pulque and tequila). Dinner at the hotel consisted of many local dishes, including a salad of umi budo (seaweed that resembles strands of green grapes), kimchee, beni imo (the Okinawan purple yam), and another Okinawan specialty, shima tofu.


15 Mar 2010

The Cuts Continue

Here is a note from the Bird Conservation Alliance about two conservation programs facing cuts.

Joint Ventures

Joint Ventures (JVs) exemplify a highly successful, cost-effective approach to conservation. By applying science and bringing diverse constituents together, JVs across the United States have created a model for solving wildlife management problems and restoring habitats critical to conserving declining species. Nationally, JVs have protected, restored, or enhanced more than 13 million acres of important habitat for migratory bird species. There are currently 21 JVs in the United States that provide coordination for conservation planning and implementation of projects that benefit all migratory bird populations and other species.

Joint Ventures also have a long history of success in implementing bird conservation initiatives mandated by Congress and by international treaties. Projects are developed at the local level and implemented through diverse public/private partnerships. These projects reflect local values and needs, while addressing regional and national conservation priorities. The projects benefit not only birds, but many wildlife species, and have a positive impact on the health of watersheds and local economies.

Joint Ventures were funded at $14,000,000 in FY2010. Every dollar invested in JVs leverages more than $44 in non-federal partner funds (1999-2004) for on-the-ground habitat conservation and restoration projects, biological planning, and outreach. The President’s FY 2011 budget requests only $13,000,000 for JVs, a one million dollar cut from last year’s level, however, we believe JVs should be funded at $18,000,000 to allow them to meet their increased responsibilities.  This increase in funding would help strengthen the public/private partnerships that leverage increasingly scarce public funds for on-the-ground habitat restoration and acquisition projects; continue to incorporate recent scientific advances in the development of landscape-conservation plans; and build capacity within the newer Joint Ventures, while maintaining expertise within established ones.

Neotropical Migratory Bird Conservation Act (NMBCA)

The Neotropical Migratory Bird Conservation Act (NMBCA) supports partnership programs to conserve birds in the United States, Canada, Latin America, and the Caribbean, where approximately five billion birds of over 500 species, including some of the most endangered birds in North America, spend their winters. Projects include activities that benefit bird populations such as habitat restoration, research and monitoring, law enforcement, and outreach and education.

Between 2002 and 2008, the program supported 260 projects, coordinated by partners in 44 U.S. states/territories and 34 countries. More than $25 million in federally appropriated dollars have leveraged over $116 million in partner contributions. Projects involving land conservation have affected about 3 million acres of bird habitat. However, demand for funding of high-quality conservation projects far outstrips current appropriations, and in 2008, 63 projects requesting nearly $10,000,000 were not funded. From these numbers, it is clear that conservation that would benefit our migrant songbirds is not able to take place due to a lack of funding for this program.

Of the 341 songbird and other neotropical migratory species that breed in the United States, 127 are known to be in decline, 60 of which have suffered population losses of more than 45% in the past 40 years.  Deforestation, especially in Latin America where many of these birds winter, is accelerating at an alarming rate, driven by the needs of a human population that has tripled in the last fifty years.  Estimates of the percentage of remaining forests that are lost each year in the Neotropics are between 1-2%.

Last year Congress funded the program at $5 million. The President’s budget only requests $4 million which translates into fewer grants approved and fewer conservation projects which would benefit hundreds of migratory birds which are known to be in decline.  We request that Congress fund NMBCA at $6.5 million.  This small investment will go a long way towards saving birds that generate millions of dollars for our economy and bring so much enjoyment to our lives.

Thanks to Steve Holmer for the information. You can contact Steve as follows:

Steve Holmer

Director of the Bird Conservation Alliance &

Senior Policy Advisor

American Bird Conservancy

202/234-7181 ext. 216

Man-Made Lighting Conference in Illinois

The Illinois Coalition for Responsible Outdoor Lighting and Lewis University are sponsoring a day-long conference on outdoor lighting March 11. Information about the conference is available online. I will be in Japan, but I would love to be able to attend this event. Light and noise are among the most pervasive forms of pollution that degrade our quality of life, in my opinion. Try living next door to a yapping dog, for example. Good luck to those who will be in attendance.

All For Naught?

Karla Klay alerted me to this article in the New Orleans Times-Picayune. This is one in a series that the paper has been publishing on the loss of coastal wetlands in Louisiana. For a gist of the story, here is the opening paragraph:

Even under best-case scenarios for building massive engineering projects to restore Louisiana’s dying coastline, the Mississippi River can’t possibly feed enough sediment into the marshes to prevent ongoing catastraphic catastrophic land loss, two Louisiana State University geologists conclude in a scientific paper being published today.

The result: The state will lose another 4,054 to 5,212 square miles of coastline by 2100 — an area roughly the size of Connecticut.

Ike offered Galveston a peak into the future, I believe. Our sand-starved island (victimized by a variety of engineering projects both local and inland) is simply not prepared for the additional blow of sea level rise. With the passage last week of legislation in the House to finally move the U.S. off of dead center, perhaps at last we can begin to develop the strategy necessary to moderate the impacts of global warming. I find it hard to imagine anyone opposing such a tiny first step (the battle in the Senate will be tough), but, as usual, Texas finds a way to put its best foot forward. Rep John Culberson of Texas, a Republican, said the bill “is the equivalent to a light switch tax – if this bill becomes law, Americans will pay higher taxes every time we turn on our lights.”
